Moving in.

‘Moving house is not stressful if you stay at the office while the move is happening’  

Duhhh! As if that's the real situation!

Think back to the last time you moved house. How was it for you?
Everyone knows that moving house is stressful. It might not be quite as terrifying as the girl in the image is making out, I just really wanted to use that picture, but it definitely ranks in most peoples top five most stressful things you can do in life.

Finally aku dah pindahkan semua barang aku. Nasib baik la ada JengJeng and Bam. They helped me a lot with all the stuff and the most important thing is, barang-barang aku adalah selamat! Hip hip horey! Bukan apa, I am very particular with the condition of my belongings. Tak nak calar, ape lagi koyak, raban dan sewaktu dengannya occay! So kudos to them! Worth the belanja makan (",)

Aku faham the fact that when moving house you need an experienced and reliable moving home company to take charge of your valued possessions. The removals companies below are extremely well established and can cater for all your moving home needs and moving house can be time taking and stressful. For this reason, it is worth hiring a professional moving company that will organize and plan your removal well. Masalahnya, dengan geo-location aku sekarang ini, that would be impossible! Apa pun I am lucky to have both if my students to help me with all of those stuff.

 *sila abaikan tikar geral yang ronyok-ronyok tu. Belum betulkan lagi.

And now my house is half done. Dapur belum lagi laa sebab cuti sekolah ni I will be headed to Ikea, nak beli few things untuk dapur. How ironic that the kitchen appliances section sangat TIDAK PERLU pada aku pada suatu waktu (",). And now, I am in dire needs of it! Seriously sakit jiwa tengok dapur yang kosong since my bedroom was lalallaa and the living room is vavavooom! So yes, Ikea will be expecting my visit(s) of next week.

Oh yes, despite of all the things happened in my life, I have decided to be a full time blogger and earn a lot of money out of it. So yes, that's it!


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