Important decisions.

Everybody makes mistake. I did. Everyone did. But I guess, what's important is that we learn from it and move on and be a better person. But is falling in love categorized as a mistake as well?

So you’ve met the man of your dreams, and he’s everything you ever imagined your prince charming to be. There’s nothing you would even dare to think about changing in him! Well… except for the inappropriate comments around your friends, lack of a good shave and bewilderment as to who Hugo Boss is. But those are just “things” you keep reminding yourself, and aside from those few minor flaws he’s perfect! And one day, he said, he fell in love with someone else and he is leaving.

The problem is a man is a man, and will not be changed unless he wants to.

What do you do?

a) Menangis
b) Hit him
c) Kill him

... Ok.. Killing wouldn't change anything but I guess crying would. So cry. Menangislah sepuasnya sebab memang tak salah. Sedih lah sebab memang ditinggalkan itu menyedihkan, but don't cry and be sad for too long. Wake up and move on with our life. The thing about being in love is, we feel perfect, but the truth is, we are leading ourselves into a very vulnerable condition. Being dumped is really usual if you come to think of it. And we can't really do anything about it.

I am happy man right now. I have a great lover whom I love so very much. I never fall in love as hard as I am. But I've been in relationship for some time and I completely understand what my KB is going through. I've been there, done that. Itu semua menjadikan ted lebih matang dalam perhubungan. Ted belajar untuk lebih relaks dan lebih terbuka. Tiada lagi sikap buruk sangka.Love is a very important concept to me. For the longest time I wasn’t quite sure how I could define it.

This is going to be a very short post, because here is the plain and simple truth:

You cannot define love.
It is different for everyone and everyone displays their love and affection and care in different ways.

So, yes, move on KB. Let go of him. Move on with your life and do things you always wanted to do!

2 Critics:

@rep said...

thanks KB..

i owe u sooooo much

Ted Waldorf said...

welcome noks.