‘Postgraduate Study – is it for you?’

Oh lala! Diam tak diam, semester pertama aku pun nak berakhir. Tapi aku tak rasa macam belajar sangat pun. I mean if you assume 'study' is going to class in the morning and finish late in the evening, then that's not my situation. Itu yang seronoknya kalau buat Masters in Research. The hassle is not there.

The only hassle is to convince yourself that your study is worth a research. That it is problematic and research-able. Or, worst, you have a grumpy old supervisor that kept rejecting your study's proposal. Adoi. itu lagi la menyakitkan hati. As for me, alhamdulillah my thesis supervisor is nothing near that. Kalau PM. D macam itu, omg.. tak tahu camne nak cakap.

I am so happy sebab thesis dah nak siap and I can talk with PM. D on the dates of my viva. I hope it's really soon. I also need to call the CGS of UPM sebab I am planning to do my PHD there. Tapi tengok dulu la macam mana kan. UKM? UiTM? UPM? People say that I need to do one thing at a time but if I can handle it, then that's nobodies business la kan? Lagipun aku dah penat nak samakan diri aku dengan orang lain. Yes, my handwriting is not so nice but that's because I do my work mainly on laptop. Oh gosh. Malas nak fikir pasal orang occay!

So I'll be on my way to KL later at night sebab ada lecture malam. Well, this is my last month there since, omg I am so busy with stuff and I had to let go of that 'side-income'. Oh well, insya-Allah rezeki ada dimana-mana kan? Pergi KL ni aku ada interview with SEGi College. Well, story about that later lah!

Till then, love you peeps!

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